The past few weeks have gone something like this...
Today: I'm cleaning my house and my kids are playing outside so we can go to the creek... then I go outside and my entire herb garden is totally destroyed... no salvaging it; all of my parsley, basil, cilantro, chives, thyme, dill pulled up from the roots and strung from one end of my yard to the other... also I see mushrooms that have been growing in my grass all piled up... I'm like "Jack, what is going on??" and he looks at me like how can you possibly be mad about this... and he says very matter of factly "I play ratatoulli mommy"..... What do ya do???
Last weekend: I wake up on Sunday morning and I can tell that miss Abbie has been up already, she is my early riser, she gets up every morning around 6, if she sleeps until 7 I wonder what is going on... anyway, she gets up and eats a yogurt every morning... so she has been up, my silverwear drawer is open and i see a yogurt lid on the counter... but where is she?? I look in here room, nope... not outside eating at here picnic table in the backyard... maybe the front yard, no luck... then I get worried... So i throw on my slippers and go outside and start calling for her... where is my sweet 5 year old...Oh you know... she's just taking a morning walk around my block????? In her night gown, barefoot, with her yogurt????? I say, "Abbie, what are you doing??" "Mom. I'm just going on a nice walk".......
Years ago I signed up for weekly emails from Parenting magazine, they usually are something to do with effective parenting or handling your children etc.... I usually just delete these before I open them.. maybe I should start reading them...
how do I subscribe to parenting tips and emails? do they babysit?...oh, and my hair is flowing whips right into a pony thank you very much!
I love it Kelli. Your kids are sooo adorable. I love seeing you as a mother. You are probably so much fun. I would love to spend a day with Kelli junior (a.k.a. Abbie)
jack is my hero. pick away! just eat it next time! Shane
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